How to Claim Your Power X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Tamron Hall
How to Claim Your Power X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Tamron Hall Pull up on this convo Sis, we’ve got the spotlight on powerhouse herself, Tamron Hall. Cutting her hair wasn’t just a simple act; it was a declaration of change, resonating far beyond the surface. This outward alteration sparked an internal revolution, igniting a [...]
Read more..How to Stay Anchored On A Word X Sarah Jakes Roberts
How to Stay Anchored On A Word X Sarah Jakes Roberts When God speaks a word into our lives, it’s not just a fleeting moment of encouragement; it’s a steadfast anchor that grounds us amidst the tumultuous waves of life. But just as ships face different storms requiring different anchors, we too encounter various challenges [...]
Read more..Power Moves Tour w/ Sarah Jakes Roberts
Power Moves Tour w/ Sarah Jakes Roberts Join me on the Power Moves Tour this Spring! Get ready to unleash your power and become a force to be reckoned with. I’ll be visiting six cities for a one-night-only interactive and transformational experience. Are you ready to ignite your power and step into your full potential? [...]
Read more..Hazardous Conditions- Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
Hazardous Conditions- Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts We’re all anchored to something. Some anchors will weaken you and others will give you strength. Even if God has broken you free from something that has chained you down, make space for His presence in your life. It’s time to move on and drop your anchor in the [...]
Read more..Hey You: On The Front Line X Sarah Jakes Roberts
Hey You: On The Front Line X Sarah Jakes Roberts Tune in for a night of testimony, vulnerability, and corporate prayer as Hey You Live travels to the West Coast at One LA. Link up with your Bestie! TEXT SJR: 818-485-4684 To sow into this ministry, text “HEYYOU” to (833)611-9600 If you need to talk [...]
Read more..How To Leave An Expiring Friendship X Sarah Jakes Roberts
How To Leave An Expiring Friendship X Sarah Jakes Roberts Navigating friendship breakups can be as challenging as any romantic split. That’s why SJR is sharing with listeners how to bow out gracefully. Though severing ties with friends can elicit a deep emotional response, there lies an opportunity for personal growth and self-discovery. Remember, letting [...]
Read more..Woman Evolve 2024
Woman Evolve 2024 Y’all hear that? WHAT! 👀 The sound of victory surging at the sight of surrender… Ladies, it’s our time to rise up and subdue the earth! HOW? By anchoring our strength in a bold release. You see, true surrender isn’t about quitting or throwing in the towel. It’s about laying that good [...]
Read more..How To Encourage Your Child X Sarah Jakes Roberts & MaKenzie Roberts
How To Encourage Your Child X Sarah Jakes Roberts & MaKenzie Roberts In the delicate journey of parenting, fostering an environment of honesty and openness with your child is paramount. The key lies in maintaining an open dialogue that respects their individuality. By fostering a culture of honesty and acceptance, you empower them to navigate [...]
Read more..How God Turns Everything For Good X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Erica Cruz
How God Turns Everything For Good X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Erica Cruz What you perceive as a curse might actually be a blessing in disguise. This exchange between SJR and Erika Cruz showcases repentance in a bold and beautiful way. Learn more about her story of becoming better today! Watch the FULL “AImmerse Yourself [...]
Read more..How To Avoid Being Overwhelmed X Sarah Jakes Roberts
How To Avoid Being Overwhelmed X Sarah Jakes Roberts What is required of you today? That’s the bite-sized focus that accomplishes big assignments! So, when life attempts to overwhelm you, just surrender to the process of becoming. Especially since both you and God have a proven track record of emerging at the right moment. Watch [...]
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