Confía en el amor y el poder sanador de Dios. No importa por lo que estés pasando, Él está contigo, restaurando tu corazón y llenándote de paz. ¡Mantente firme en la fe! 💙
Oracion de la Mañana De Hoy Domingo 24 de Diciembre – Salmo 147 Tiempo De Orar
Oracion de la Mañana De Hoy Domingo 24 de Diciembre – Salmo 147 Tiempo De Orar Oración de la Mañana del día de Hoy Domingo 24 de Diciembre 2023 Nuestro Sitios y Redes Sociales Producido y Diseñado por RedCatolica.Com Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial, o realizar una copia sin autorización del Canal Conlleva a [...]
Read more..The Passion of Christmas | Tony Evans Christmas Sermon
The Passion of Christmas | Tony Evans Christmas Sermon How do you respond to Christmas? Is it through excitement, lights, music and shopping? In this message, Tony Evans reminds us that we are also to bow down in worship. If you really want to get the most out of Christmas, submit yourself to the worship [...]
Read more..How Does Your Mind Affect Your Joy? | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast
How Does Your Mind Affect Your Joy? | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast. How Does Your Mind Affect Your Joy? -1 A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God’s Word to everyday life. Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading practical Bible teachers and New York Times best-selling author, shares encouragement and advice to help [...]
Read more..The Mystery of the Cosmic Gardener | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
The Mystery of the Cosmic Gardener | Jonathan Cahn Sermon A Secret that plays in the power of saying: I couldn’t care less! Stories of the great heroes of the Bible – and a key that can change your life for greatness. Check back later for the next part. To receive Free Gifts, Prophetic Updates, Get [...]
Read more..How To Overcome Your Fear – By The Power Of Having Nothing! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
How To Overcome Your Fear – By The Power Of Having Nothing! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon A Secret that plays in the power of saying: I couldn’t care less! Stories of the great heroes of the Bible – and a key that can change your life for greatness. Check back later for the next part. [...]
Read more..Defeating the Dictator | Joel Osteen
Defeating the Dictator | Joel Osteen Subscribe to receive weekly messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration from Joel! [...]
Read more..His Return
His Return It might surprise you that the Christmas message of the Messiah’s arrival starts back in Genesis chapter three. As Pastor Jack breaks down this passage, ask yourself, what are you celebrating this Christmas season? For the believer, the true meaning of Christmas should be a constant thought in their heart and mind throughout [...]
Read more..Oracion de la Mañana De Hoy Sabado 23 de Diciembre – Salmo 145 Tiempo De Orar
Oracion de la Mañana De Hoy Sabado 23 de Diciembre – Salmo 145 Tiempo De Orar Oración de la Mañana del día de Hoy Sabado 23 de Diciembre 2023 Nuestro Sitios y Redes Sociales Producido y Diseñado por RedCatolica.Com Prohibida su reproducción total o parcial, o realizar una copia sin autorización del Canal Conlleva a [...]
Read more..Be Spiritually Guided – Faith To Dominate Your World
Be Spiritually Guided – Faith To Dominate Your World Adam and Eve were designed to live on the level of their Creator. They walked and talked with God every day. God brought all the beasts of the field to Adam to see what he would call them. (Genesis 2:19). Adam never went to school to [...]
Read more..Is Jesus Enough for Our Salvation?”
Is Jesus Enough for Our Salvation?” Thank you for joining World Changers Nation for Service! We are helping people Understand Grace and Empowering them to Change through teaching the word with simplicity and understanding. Subscribe to our YouTube page to be alerted to our latest messages! You can also text WORLDCHANGERS a space and the [...]
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