Confía en el amor y el poder sanador de Dios. No importa por lo que estés pasando, Él está contigo, restaurando tu corazón y llenándote de paz. ¡Mantente firme en la fe! 💙
Priscilla Shirer: Making Prayer a Priority | Praise on TBN
Priscilla Shirer: Making Prayer a Priority | Praise on TBN Priscilla Shirer joins Laurie Crouch and Holly Wagner on TBN’s Praise to discuss prayer, hearing the voice of God, and growing in our relationship with Him. Listen as they discuss different ways that we can actively pursue growing closer to God as we learn to [...]
Read more..Debt: The Fear of Financial Collapse | Dr. David Jeremiah | Psalm 37
Debt: The Fear of Financial Collapse | Dr. David Jeremiah | Psalm 37 Message Description: The phrase, “In God we trust,” is printed on all United States currency. But no matter where you live, it should also be evident in your financial behavior. Dr. David Jeremiah considers the futility of pinning your hopes to material [...]
Read more..Recognizing God’s Answer – Bishop T.D. Jakes
Recognizing God’s Answer – Bishop T.D. Jakes Do you trust how God works, or do you worship your opinion? Many of us think we know how to handle most situations, but what happens when we encounter uncertainty? That’s when we must rely on God’s answers to guide us —even when we don’t fully understand. Trust [...]
Read more..Remember Who You Are | Joel Osteen
Remember Who You Are When you know who you are, you won’t have to worry about how things are going to work out. You know that because you are a child of God, you are crowned with His favor. He’s working everything out for your good! [...]
Read more..Victory Over Fear– Dr. Charles Stanley
Victory Over Fear– Dr. Charles Stanley In a world of anxious circumstances, it’s no wonder that many of us find ourselves dealing with fear. However, God’s people are called to live courageously. How can we live with peace and confidence in the midst of a frightening world? The only way is to remember that the [...]
Read more..T.D. Jakes: Have Faith in God’s Perfect Plan
Bishop T.D. Jakes shares a powerful lesson from his book, Crushing, about embracing our struggles as God’s perfect plan to shape us into the world changers He created us to be! Let the obstacles in life strengthen your faith in God! NEED PRAYER? TBN’s Prayer Partners would love to prayer with you and are available [...]
Read more..The Undoing – Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts
The Undoing – Pastor Sarah Jakes Roberts Are you stuck in the same bitterness and pain you’ve felt before? Or are you afraid to move forward because you feel like you’ll lose? God isn’t a subtracter; He’s a multiplier. When He starts you over, He restores you, rejuvenates you, and gives you exactly what you [...]
Read more..Let Go Of The Small Things | Victoria Osteen
Don’t let what you’re missing keep you from celebrating the gifts in your life. Take a step back and appreciate the many blessings that surround us! Don’t let what you’re missing keep you from celebrating the gifts in your life. Take a step back and appreciate the many blessings that surround us! [...]
Read more..Debt: The Fear of Financial Collapse | Dr. David Jeremiah | Psalm 37
Debt: The Fear of Financial Collapse | Dr. David Jeremiah | Psalm 37 We fight too many battles that don’t matter. “Well, they’re talking about me; I’m going to set them straight.” When you get them fixed, somebody else will start talking. Here’s what I’ve learned, nobody talks about people that aren’t doing anything. Nobody [...]
Read more..Differences between Holy Spirit’s Presence and Your Emotions
Differences between Holy Spirit’s Presence and Your Emotions Every true believer desires to experience the Holy Spirit’s presence, but how can we discern if we are sensing His presence or our own emotions? In this livestream teaching, David Diga Hernandez reveals the differences between the Holy Spirit’s presence and your emotions. [...]
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