Confía en el amor y el poder sanador de Dios. No importa por lo que estés pasando, Él está contigo, restaurando tu corazón y llenándote de paz. ¡Mantente firme en la fe! 💙
“GRACE LIFE SPECIAL – United Together”
“GRACE LIFE SPECIAL – United Together” Thank you for joining World Changers Nation for Service! We are helping people Understand Grace and Empowering them to Change through teaching the word with simplicity and understanding. Subscribe to our YouTube page to be alerted to our latest messages! [...]
Read more..“GRACE LIFE SPECIAL – Women’s Strong Rescue: Then and Now (Mimi)Triumph Through Adversity (Inky)”
“GRACE LIFE SPECIAL – Women’s Strong Rescue: Then and Now (Mimi)Triumph Through Adversity (Inky)” Thank you for joining World Changers Nation for Service! We are helping people Understand Grace and Empowering them to Change through teaching the word with simplicity and understanding. Subscribe to our YouTube page to be alerted to our latest messages! You [...]
Read more..Be a Leader Worth Trusting | Dr. Henry Cloud
Be a Leader Worth Trusting | Dr. Henry Cloud Since 2020, trust is no longer the default posture in the workplace. The problem? Trust is the glue that holds your team together. Dr. Henry Cloud joins us to share the key elements of trust that will help you accomplish your mission. If you’re like most [...]
Read more..Taking Risks as a Leader | Jennie Allen
Taking Risks as a Leader | Jennie Allen It’s increasingly difficult to know if you’re leading your team in the right direction post-2020. Today, Jennie Allen shares how she’s guiding her team forward in the next year, and how she’s leading with confidence even when taking big risks. If you’re like most leaders, there is [...]
Read more..Leadership Lessons From a Black Belt | Rener Gracie
Leadership Lessons From a Black Belt | Rener Gracie Your reaction to problems, people, and even your own limits will determine your leadership potential. In this episode, Rener Gracie shares the jiu-jitsu and leadership principles that teach us to win when we face challenges in these three areas. If you’re like most leaders, there is [...]
Read more..The High Cost of Following Christ | Billy Graham Classic Sermon
The High Cost of Following Christ | Billy Graham Classic Sermon Following Jesus will cost you. Hear Billy Graham explain what it means for Jesus to be Lord of your mind, body and heart in this 1983 message from Orlando, Florida. [...]
Read more..When The Chips Are Down, Can You Survive? | Billy Graham Classic Sermon
When The Chips Are Down, Can You Survive? | Billy Graham Classic Sermon “There’s a choice that every one of us has to make between bowing down to the things of this world that are evil and wrong and bowing down before the true and the living God.” The choice you make now about Jesus [...]
Read more..Adrian Rogers: How to Live An Abundant Life Focused On Jesus
Adrian Rogers: How to Live An Abundant Life Focused On Jesus In Joshua 3, the children of Israel were approaching the Promised Land of opportunity. To get there, they faced a raging river of difficulty. However, they had with them the Ark of the Covenant, which changed everything. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares what [...]
Read more..Adrian Rogers: How to Experience Fellowship with Jesus
Adrian Rogers: How to Experience Fellowship with Jesus 1 John 1 speaks of our fellowship as Christians, which comes through the life that we have in Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three things we must know in order to experience and enjoy the sweetest fellowship this side of Heaven. [...]
Read more..Follow God’s Blueprint For Good Success (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode
Follow God’s Blueprint For Good Success (Full Sermon) | Joseph Prince | Gospel Partner Episode In this Gospel Partner episode, be encouraged as you discover numerous promises in God’s Word that belong to you, and learn how you can claim them through faith. About Gospel Partner Gospel Partner is a publishing house committed to advancing [...]
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