Confía en el amor y el poder sanador de Dios. No importa por lo que estés pasando, Él está contigo, restaurando tu corazón y llenándote de paz. ¡Mantente firme en la fe! 💙
Q&A with Sadie Robertson Huff: Leading Beyond Your Age
Q&A with Sadie Robertson Huff: Leading Beyond Your Age Today’s guest is a driven, effective, hugely successful 24-year-old leader. Her secret? Staying humble through the success. Today, Sadie Robertson Huff shares the strengths of different generations, her advice to Gen Z, and how she embraces failure. Learn even more about how the brain works and [...]
Read more..Extreme Qualities of Leaders Who Have “It” | Lead Like It Matters, Part 1
Extreme Qualities of Leaders Who Have “It” | Lead Like It Matters, Part 1 You might look at a leader and wonder, “What’s their secret?” They’ve accomplished so much and show no signs of slowing down. In today’s episode, we talk about what sets apart the leaders who have “it” from those who don’t. Building [...]
Read more..Q&A with Tim Tebow: Earning Respect as a Leader
Q&A with Tim Tebow: Earning Respect as a Leader Few people have won a Heisman trophy, written four NYT Best Sellers, waged war on human trafficking, and founded a non-profit that fights for people in more than 70 countries. Tim Tebow has. He shares how he leads through it all in today’s podcast. Building and [...]
Read more..The Holy Spirit and You | Billy Graham Classic Sermon
The Holy Spirit and You | Billy Graham Classic Sermon Through the Holy Spirit, you can have new life. Hear Billy Graham explain the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and how you can have a relationship with Him in this 1983 message from Sacramento, California. [...]
Read more..Time to Run | A Billy Graham Film
Time to Run | A Billy Graham Film Discover the powerful coming-of-age story of a student environmentalist who shames his father’s legacy and abandons everyone who loves him, including his girlfriend, Michelle. On the run from his family, the authorities, and—most of all—God, Jeff finally confronts the deep hole in his life that only one [...]
Read more..Adrian Rogers: Christ Jesus is the Greatest Source of Abundant Life
Adrian Rogers: Christ Jesus is the Greatest Source of Abundant Life In the Old Testament, King Solomon was the apex of all greatness, wealth, and wonder. By all appearances of class, wealth and status, Jesus did not compare to Solomon. But in this message, Adrian Rogers reveals how our great Savior is infinitely greater than [...]
Read more..Adrian Rogers: Obstacles That Hinder Fellowship with Jesus
Adrian Rogers: Obstacles That Hinder Fellowship with Jesus 1 John 1 speaks of our fellowship as Christians, which comes through the life that we have in Jesus Christ. In this message, Adrian Rogers shares three things we must know in order to experience and enjoy the sweetest fellowship this side of Heaven. [...]
Read more..The First and Second Resurrection — Voddie Baucham
The First and Second Resurrection — Voddie Baucham There is a unique group of people described in Revelation 20:4-6; and as with most elements of Revelation, there are many views on what they could represent. Pastor Voddie makes the case that these people are the children of God, and puts a special emphasis on [...]
Read more..Dragons Abounding: The Great Errors Confronting the Church | Dr. Voddie Baucham
Dragons Abounding: The Great Errors Confronting the Church Missions Conference 2023 Session #1 – Dragons Abounding: The Great Errors Confronting the Church [...]
Read more..Appreciating Every Area Of Our Life | Victoria Osteen
Appreciating Every Area Of Our Life | Victoria Osteen Wherever you are today, ask God to show you the blessings in your life. When you learn to value what you have, you’ll be prepared to receive all of His promises! [...]
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