Make Room For Your Gift X Sarah Jakes Roberts

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Make Room For Your Gift X Sarah Jakes Roberts

Watch the FULL “Protect Your Edge with Sarah Jakes Roberts” sermon add-free on the Woman Evolve TV App. Have you ever traveled with a friend who set an inflexible itinerary? No room for situations and random adventures. 🙃 😫 Sis, 🗣️ don’t be that friend!… And don’t block your blessings because you refuse to deviate from the plan. Often, we struggle to implement change because we want it to fit within our existing routines. But real growth requires flexibility—allowing your mind to adapt and embrace the new ways of thinking and living God has for you. Watch the full sermon Protect Your Edge on the Woman Evolve TV App and discover the power of flexibility and how it can open doors to blessings you never imagined.

Watch the FULL “Protect Your Edge with Sarah Jakes Roberts” sermon add-free on the Woman Evolve TV App.
