Living In The Present | Joel Osteen

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JOEL OSTEEN - Sermons heal the entire body and mind, emotionally, physically! Dear God, Please heal me mentally, emotionally, ...

If you’re always focused on your past, you’ll miss what God is doing in the present. Don’t overlook the blessings He’s prepared for this moment.

A true friend doesn’t run away when someone fails; they run to the person. Your friends don’t need you as much when everything is going great, they’re seeing dreams come to pass, success. Celebrate with them, that’s exciting, but when they really need you is when things aren’t so great. They’ve made mistakes. Life has thrown them a curve; the medical report wasn’t good. When their faith is low, that’s when you can make the biggest difference. They need some borrowed faith. They need you to believe for them while they can’t believe. They need you to speak victory while they’re too discouraged.

Joel Osteen

JOEL OSTEEN - Sermons heal the entire body and mind, emotionally, physically! Dear God, Please heal me mentally, emotionally, ...