Jonathan Cahn


Jonathan Cahn - Sermons heal the entire body and mind, emotionally, physically! Dear God, Please heal me mentally, emotionally, ...

Jonathan Cahn’s Powerful Prophetic Word at the National Day of Prayer, Washington DC

Jonathan Cahn’s Powerful Prophetic Word at the National Day of Prayer, Washington DC Jonathan Cahn delivers a powerful prophetic word from Washington DC in front of Members of Congress and leaders of the nations on the Return of the Gods at the National Day of Prayer, Washington DC To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The [...]

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Zara – The Secret of Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Zara – The Secret of Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon Jonathan Cahn shares the secret mystery of the kingdom of God in the word Zara. Zara ( Hebrew for sowing) will determine what comes to and from your life – from blessings, abundance, and everything else! To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic book: The Josiah Manifesto [...]

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The Sign of The Statue | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic

The Sign of The Statue | Jonathan Cahn Prophetic Jonathan Cahn opens up two stunning prophetic signs of judgment,  from the Turkish Parliament to Buenos Aires, Argentina, from the Abrahamic Covenant to the order of creation, from Israel to Pope Francis, the hand of God in real time and space! To get Jonathan’s newest prophetic [...]

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The Mystery of Brother God! And How Close is Jesus/ Yeshua to You! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Mystery of Brother God! And How Close is Jesus/ Yeshua to You! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon There is a mystery in both the Hebrew and Greek about how close, intimate, and deep is to be your relationship with God. The mystery of brother God! And How close is Jesus, Yeshua, to you! To get [...]

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The Return of the Gardener and Your Power of New Beginnings | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Return of the Gardener and Your Power of New Beginnings | Jonathan Cahn Sermon One of the beautiful mysteries of God begins in the Garden and reappears in Messiah and in your salvation. It even explains reality! To receive Free Gifts, Prophetic Updates, Get in touch with Jonathan’s Ministry, or be part of the [...]

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Go For It & Let The Chips Fall Where They May! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Go For It & Let The Chips Fall Where They May! | Jonathan Cahn Sermon Go For It & Let The Chips Fall Where They May! A Secret that plays a part in the lives and stories of the great heroes of the Bible Esther & Paul, and a key that can change your life [...]

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Identifying the Things That Are Hindering Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

Identifying the Things That Are Hindering Your Life | Jonathan Cahn Sermon Jonathan Cahn reveals the things that may be hindering your life and how to overcome them. Learn valuable lessons from Bible heroes and discover the keys to living a focused and victorious life. Don’t let anything hold you back from achieving your purpose [...]

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The Surprising Truth Behind the Pleasure/Pain Principle | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Surprising Truth Behind the Pleasure/Pain Principle | Jonathan Cahn Sermon Jonathan Cahn opens up the surprising truth behind the pleasure/pain principle and how you can channel this principle for the Lord in your life. Don’t miss out on this eye-opening message! To receive Free Gifts, Prophetic Updates, Get in touch with Jonathan’s Ministry, or [...]

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Jonathan Cahn’s Prophetic Message to Joe Biden (Presidential Inauguration 2021)

Jonathan Cahn’s Prophetic Message to Joe Biden (Presidential Inauguration 2021) Jonathan Cahn offers a prophetic message of warning to President Joe Biden and America (Presidential Inauguration 2021).   [...]

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The Mysterious Picture of Aaron & Jonathan’s Ministry | Jonathan Cahn Sermon

The Mysterious Picture of Aaron & Jonathan’s Ministry | Jonathan Cahn Sermon Every believer is called to be a priest. Discover the keys of the priesthood and the investiture that shows you how to fulfill your calling. Check back later for the next part. To receive Free Gifts, Prophetic Updates, Get in touch with Jonathan’s [...]

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