Demon Activity On The Rise?
Demon Activity On The Rise? Is demonic activity increasing in our world? Did the Bible say this would happen and what are we, as Christians, to do about it? What about “deliverance” ministries? And can Christians be demon-possessed? Pastor Jack answers all these questions in this episode. Did you know we have a Real Life [...]
Read more..Know GOD’S Truth – Take It All Back Vol 3 | Dr. Bill Winston
Know GOD’S Truth – Take It All Back Vol 3 | Dr. Bill Winston Dr. Winston shares a story about a man who went to Africa to teach at a local church but had sent an outdated photo of himself for the airport transfer. The airport transfer that came to pick him up looked for [...]
Read more..The Growing Pains X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Bishop TD Jakes
The Growing Pains X Sarah Jakes Roberts & Bishop TD Jakes It goes without saying that power moves from one idea to the next. But how can we ensure that the message stays the same when our methods begin to change? Bishop T.D. Jakes describes ways to enhance leadership succession by respecting practices of the [...]
Read more..How To Deal With Christian Pharisees | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
How To Deal With Christian Pharisees | Jonathan Cahn Sermon Jonathan Cahn shares who were the first Pharisees in the Bible and what were the first church controversies and how the church handled them. To receive Free Gifts, Prophetic Updates, Get in touch with Jonathan’s Ministry, or be part of the Great Commission, Go to [...]
Read more..Heaven Is My Home – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer
Heaven Is My Home – Pt 2 | Enjoying Everyday Life | Joyce Meyer What will it be like to live in heaven? On this episode of Enjoying Everyday Life, Joyce Meyer shares about the ways of this world and what we can do to prepare for eternity. Joyce Meyer, one of the world’s leading [...]
Read more..From Breakdown to Breakthrough: The Story of Joseph | Tony Evans Sermon
From Breakdown to Breakthrough: The Story of Joseph | Tony Evans Sermon Dr. Tony Evans shares an inspiring message about how God’s sovereignty and providence guide us through life’s most challenging times. God often allows our lives to unravel for a greater purpose—His glory and our good. If you would like to download two encouraging, [...]
Read more..Why Should Christians be Involved in Politics?
Why Should Christians be Involved in Politics? If we don’t engage, we are complicit in the destruction against the will of God. Have you noticed how much you are funding abortion? It’s a driving force in the current election cycle. The church needs to be involved. As believers, we need to shine our light by [...]
Read more..You Don’t Have To Pretend | Joel Osteen
You Don’t Have To Pretend | Joel Osteen Watch the full video here Subscribe to receive weekly messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration from Joel! Thank you for your generosity! To give, visit [...]
Read more..You Are Worthy | Joel Osteen
You Are Worthy | Joel Osteen You are God’s masterpiece, created with a purpose to fulfill. Shake off the unworthiness and get in agreement with what He says about you. Subscribe to receive weekly messages of hope, encouragement, and inspiration from Joel! [...]
Read more..Calm Down And Cheer Up Parts 1 & 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Radio Podcast
Calm Down And Cheer Up Parts 1 & 2 | Joyce Meyer | Enjoying Everyday Life Radio Podcast In this episode, Joyce Meyer explores the power of staying calm amidst life’s challenges, offering practical wisdom and biblical insights. Discover how embracing God’s peace can transform your thoughts, emotions, and decisions. Joyce Meyer, one of the [...]
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