
Ministry Takes On Many Forms with Bishop T.D. Jakes and Friends

Ministry Takes On Many Forms with Bishop T.D. Jakes and Friends People are hungry, hurting, and lost. They need prayers and they need the Word, but they also need action from followers of Jesus! Bishop T.D. Jakes led a special discussion panel at Wednesday Night Bible Study to model the multifaceted reach of the T.D. [...]

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The University of Life | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

The University of Life | Billy Graham Classic Sermon Are you tired of searching for truth? Hear Billy Graham explain how your search ends when you commit your life to Christ in this 1980 sermon from Reno, Nevada. God’s Messages 💌 Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help [...]

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In The Midst Of The Storm – Dr. Charles Stanley

In The Midst Of The Storm – Dr. Charles Stanley We can learn a great deal from what happened to the disciples when Jesus commanded them to set out on the Sea of Galilee, and a terrible storm arose. As the wind and waves assailed their boat, they were frightened by conditions so far beyond [...]

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Nothing To Prove | Joel Osteen

Nothing To Prove | Joel Osteen When you’re secure in who you are, you don’t have to try to prove yourself. You can be confident in who God created you to be, because your value comes from being a child of God. God’s Messages 💌 Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a [...]

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Jack Hibbs Today: Healing and Suffering: Thy Will be done

Healing and Suffering: Thy Will be done What does the Bible teach us about healing, faith and suffering? Why do some people recieve a healing and others suffer greatly? What does the Jesus teach us about our attitude towards these things? God’s Messages 💌 Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer [...]

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The MASSIVE Culture Shift Shaking America & The Church’s Role | Albert Mohler | Kirk Cameron on TBN

The MASSIVE Culture Shift Shaking America & The Church’s Role Dr. Albert Mohler, President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, joins Kirk Cameron to discuss the gathering cultural storm in America to displace Christianity. Learn about the importance of questioning what the world presents to us, pursuing biblical truths, and preaching the Bible. Don’t miss [...]

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Tomorrow Belongs to God – Bishop T.D. Jakes

Tomorrow Belongs to God Have you ever found yourself struggling with today while fearing tomorrow? Are you threatened by a future that feels increasingly uncertain? Worrying makes us feel like the walking dead: anxious about everything and afraid of abundance. But our revival resides in how we pray! Prayers of peace, prayers of the spirit, [...]

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The Promotion of Detours | Tony Evans Sermon

The Promotion of Detours Why does God seem to lead us in circles instead of just directly taking us to our destiny? Tony Evans says one reason is that God prepares the people that He wants you to impact when you arrive at your destination. In this lesson on the detours of provision, learn how [...]

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How To Shift Into Your Next Dimension X Sarah Jakes Roberts

How To Shift Into Your Next Dimension Where you’re going chains have to break, shame has to go and anxiety has to leave you alone. Sis, we’re stepping into the next dimension, are you coming or what? “She caved into the pressure to be like everyone else and robbed the world of the wealth assigned [...]

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Get Ready For Overflow | Joel Osteen

Get Ready For Overflow You weren’t created to barely get by in life. God not only wants to meet your needs, He wants to exceed them. “Keep in mind, hurting people often hurt other people as a result of their own pain. If somebody is rude and inconsiderate, you can almost be certain that they [...]

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