Don’t Quench the Fire of the Holy Spirit | Wind and Fire | Tony Evans Sermons
Don’t Quench the Fire of the Holy Spirit | Wind and Fire Dr. Tony Evans explains to us how the Holy Spirit can come down—not slowly—but suddenly, bringing a new level of understanding, revelation, and empowerment to those who seek after God. God’s Messages 💌 Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a [...]
Read more..Rosh Hashanah Special Message on 9/11 | How You Are God’s Watchman To Guard | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Rosh Hashanah Special Message on 9/11 | How You Are God’s Watchman To Guard On the Feast of Trumpets, Rosh Hashana, and the Anniversary weekend of 9/11, Jonathan speaks on the call of the watchman – How to become the watchman or watchwoman God called you to be, what you need to know and do [...]
Read more..The Josiah Manifesto – Part 2 with Guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
The Josiah Manifesto – Part 2 with Guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn What if you had a blueprint to follow with instructions on how you are to live? Not just how to survive but to thrive and prevail. On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Tim Clinton continues his riveting discussion in the second of a [...]
Read more..The Josiah Manifesto – Part 1 with Guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn
The Josiah Manifesto – Part 1 with Guest Rabbi Jonathan Cahn 1 Timothy 4:16 says, “Watch your life and doctrine closely. Persevere in them, because if you do, you will save both yourself and your hearers.” On today’s edition of Family Talk, Dr. Tim Clinton interviews Rabbi Jonathan Cahn about his latest book, “The Josiah [...]
Read more..Priscilla Shirer: Prayer is Necessary for Your Relationship with God | Praise on TBN
Prayer is Necessary for Your Relationship with God | Praise on TBN Priscilla Shirer brings an encouraging word to TBN’s Praise about the importance of prayer, and the power found in declaring God’s promises in our everyday lives. God’s Messages 💌 Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help [...]
Read more..Dr. Joe Dispenza: ¡Esto funciona como una RECONFIGURACIÓN FINANCIERA! Despierta el poder de tu mente
¡Esto funciona como una RECONFIGURACIÓN FINANCIERA! Despierta el poder de tu mente Dr. Joe Dispenza SOBRE: ¡Cómo LAVARSE EL CEREBRO para tener éxito y destruir los PENSAMIENTOS NEGATIVOS! | Desbloquea el verdadero PODER DE TU MENTE ¡ Y nunca más tendrás problemas de salud ni de dinero! El primer paso para cambiar tu realidad y [...]
Read more..La lucha por el dominio propio – Dr. Charles Stanley
La lucha por el dominio propio No hay nada en su vida que no pueda dejar. El pecado que sea si está dispuesto a entregar su vida a Cristo y decirle mi vida es un desastre la arruiné, he herido a otros, he pecado contra ti y contra mí mismo, he pecado contra quién es [...]
Read more..Billy Graham: Ceguera Espiritual
Billy Graham: Ceguera Espiritual ¿Puedes ver bien? Escucha este mensaje de Billy Graham sobre la ceguera espiritual y cómo combatirla. En mil novecientos cuarenta y nueve un joven predicador audaz y dinámico emprendió un camino que tendría un impacto en cada continente GENERACIONES FUTURAS. POR MÁS DE cincuenta AÑOS Y A MÁS DE doscientos diez [...]
Read more..Trusting God When You Don’t Understand | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast
Trusting God When You Don’t Understand | Joyce Meyer | Radio Podcast Trusting God When You Don’t Understand-5 A 15-minute teaching applying practical principles from God’s Word to everyday life. God’s Messages 💌 Today…….I am asking all my prayer warriors to say a prayer that may help others. So many people are hurting right now. [...]
Read more..How Do I Stop Complaining? | Joyce Meyer
How Do I Stop Complaining? | Joyce Meyer The Scripture says, “Make the most of this day.” It doesn’t say make the most of yesterday, make the most of tomorrow. What are you doing with today? Are you embracing where you are or fighting where you are? Are you present and connected, or present and [...]
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