
Cómo caminar con Dios en tiempos difíciles – Dr. Charles Stanley

Cómo caminar con Dios en tiempos difíciles Hay momentos difíciles que cada uno de nosotros experimenta cuando estamos abrumados y no sabemos qué hacer. ¿Está usted atravesando por un momento así? En este mensaje, el Dr. Stanley explica cómo Dios consolará nuestras heridas, calmará nuestros temores y nos dará gran esperanza si confiamos en Él. [...]

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Billy Graham: Obstáculos para llegar al cielo

Billy Graham: Obstáculos para llegar al cielo Dios sabe lo que realmente pasa en tu corazón y en tu mente. Billy Graham comparte cómo puedes encontrar de nuevo el gozo en Cristo en este mensaje. [...]

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Billy Graham: El verdadero significado de la cruz

Billy Graham: El verdadero significado de la cruz Escucha la explicación de Billy Graham sobre varios aspectos de la muerte de Cristo en este mensaje. Página oficial de la Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, fundada por el evangelista Billy Graham en 1950. [...]

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Activa el 100% de tu cerebro en UNOS SEGUNDOS ¡TÚ ERES el creador de tu mundo! – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Activa el 100% de tu cerebro en UNOS SEGUNDOS ¡TÚ ERES el creador de tu mundo! Deja de enviar energía a lo que no quieres y envíasela a lo que realmente deseas. Si no sabes lo que quieres, vas a enviar requerimientos confusos al universo y, por lo tanto, solo recibirás señales contradictorias, que te [...]

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Greg Koukl: This Tactic DESTROYS Every Argument AGAINST Christianity | Kirk Cameron on TBN

Greg Koukl: This Tactic DESTROYS Every Argument AGAINST Christianity Greg Koukl joins Kirk Cameron to discuss how to discern God’s absolute truth and the importance of knowing and understanding Scripture. Koukl also shares the tactic he uses in defending the Christian faith. Don’t miss this episode of Takeaways with Kirk Cameron on TBN! [...]

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“How Much Does God ReallyCare About You?”

“How Much Does God ReallyCare About You?” Thank you for joining World Changers Nation for Service! We are helping people Understand Grace and Empowering them to Change through teaching the word with simplicity and understanding. God’s Messages 💌🙏❤️ Before you sleep, PRAY. When you wake up, PRAY. When life gets hard, PRAY. when you’re happy [...]

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Adrian Rogers: The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength for Abundant Living

The Joy of the Lord Is My Strength for Abundant Living The life of a Christian is to be a life of continual, contagious joy; Adrian Rogers says, “Joy is not a nicety in the Christian life; it is an absolute necessity.” The fullness of joy is essential to winning the lost to Jesus Christ [...]

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When God Goes Silent on You | Tony Evans Sermons

When God Goes Silent on You Dr. Tony Evans answers the profound question of why we face suffering and adversity. Join him as he highlights the concept of God’s sovereignty in allowing trials and tests in one’s life and the importance of maintaining faith through challenges. God’s Messages 💌🙏❤️ Before you sleep, PRAY. When you [...]

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Resting in the Faithfulness of God – Dr. Charles Stanley

Resting in the Faithfulness of God God’s Messages 💌🙏❤️ Before you sleep, PRAY. When you wake up, PRAY. When life gets hard, PRAY. when you’re happy PRAY. If you are unsure, PRAY. God is always with us. For more messages from Charles Stanley, including this week’s broadcast, go to intouch.org/tv. For more messages from Charles [...]

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Facing a Satanic Attack – Dr. Charles Stanley

Facing a Satanic Attack – Dr. Charles Stanley God’s Messages 💌🙏❤️ Before you sleep, PRAY. When you wake up, PRAY. When life gets hard, PRAY. when you’re happy PRAY. If you are unsure, PRAY. God is always with us. When was the last time you felt vulnerable to a temptation? Our world is overflowing with [...]

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