What Are You Running From? | Joel Osteen
What Are You Running From? God’s Messages MUST SEE! Don’t miss this powerful message Before you sleep, PRAY. When you wake up, PRAY. When life gets hard, PRAY. when you’re happy PRAY. If you are unsure, PRAY. God is always with us. [...]
Read more..Living Unoffended | Joel Osteen
Living Unoffended | Joel Osteen God’s Messages MUST SEE! Don’t miss this powerful message Before you sleep, PRAY. When you wake up, PRAY. When life gets hard, PRAY. when you’re happy PRAY. If you are unsure, PRAY. God is always with us. How you handle offenses can broaden or limit your potential. When you release [...]
Read more..How to Have Strength in Your Struggles | Tony Evans Sermon
How to Have Strength in Your Struggles God’s Messages MUST SEE! Don’t miss this powerful message Before you sleep, PRAY. When you wake up, PRAY. When life gets hard, PRAY. when you’re happy PRAY. If you are unsure, PRAY. God is always with us. Tony Evans: Today, Dr. Evans preaches on what the Bible has [...]
Read more..What is Faith and How Does it Work? | Tony Evans Sermon
What is Faith and How Does it Work? God’s Messages MUST SEE! Don’t miss this powerful message Before you sleep, PRAY. When you wake up, PRAY. When life gets hard, PRAY. when you’re happy PRAY. If you are unsure, PRAY. God is always with us. Dr. Tony Evans preaches about the concept of faith. By [...]
Read more..What Spirit Lives In You?
What Spirit Lives In You? God’s Messages MUST SEE! Don’t miss this powerful message Before you sleep, PRAY. When you wake up, PRAY. When life gets hard, PRAY. when you’re happy PRAY. If you are unsure, PRAY. God is always with us. Jesus wants us to act, live, and speak just like Him. That’s why [...]
Read more..The Power of a Positive No | Billy Graham Classic Sermon
The Power of a Positive No Throughout the Bible, there are stories of people who said no to sin and chose God’s way instead. No matter the temptations you face today, “There’s a way to escape,” Billy Graham once explained. “God provides it, if you know Christ.” God’s Messages MUST SEE! Don’t miss this powerful [...]
Read more..Seek to be Great | Jonathan Cahn Sermon
Seek to be Great | Jonathan Cahn Sermon Provoking That Which is not Hebrews 10:24 says, “Let us … provoke unto love.” The word provoke can also be translated; call forth. Messiah called forth Lazarus from the tomb when he was dead. In the same way, we’re to call forth that which isn’t as if [...]
Read more..Billy Graham – Pon tu corazon en las manos del señor.
Pon tu corazon en las manos del señor. Señor Jesucristo, quiero pedirte con toda mi alma, espíritu de tener un nuevo corazón, te lo pido en el nombre de mi Señor Jesucristo, amén Padre Eterno . Justamente ayer fui al Culto despues de tanto tiempo un año i el pastor me oraba poniendome sus manos [...]
Read more..Dios y nuestro dinero – Dr. Charles Stanley
Dios y nuestro dinero La Palabra de Dios ofrece mucha sabiduría para ayudarnos a tomar buenas decisiones relacionadas con el dinero. En este mensaje, el Dr. Stanley examina nuestras preocupaciones comunes; analiza lo que Dios piensa, dice y promete con respecto a las finanzas personales; y lo que podemos esperar si somos obedientes a sus [...]
Read more..Niveles de fe en la vida del creyente – Dr. Charles Stanley
Niveles de fe en la vida del creyente En este mensaje, el Dr. Stanley nos recuerda que todos tenemos algún tipo de fe, el cual influye en nuestra manera de vivir. La fe de un no creyente es autodirigida, mientras que la fe de un creyente es dirigida por Dios. El Dr. Stanley explica cómo [...]
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