Billy Graham


Billy Graham - Sermons heal the entire body and mind, emotionally, physically! Dear God, Please heal me mentally, emotionally, ...

Choices | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

Choices | Billy Graham Classic Sermon You have a choice to make. “You either have to decide that you’re going to serve the gods of materialism all around us, or the true and living God,” said Billy Graham in his 1981 message from San Jose, California.   [...]

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The Eternal Contemporary | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

The Eternal Contemporary | Billy Graham Classic Sermon Romans 5:8 says, “But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” Hear Billy Graham explain how Jesus’ death and resurrection can change your life today in this 1986 message from Washington, D.C.   [...]

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A Cure for Heart Trouble | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

A Cure for Heart Trouble | Billy Graham Classic Sermon Is your heart right with God? Find out in this 1989 sermon @Billy Graham preached from Syracuse, New York. Watch more  every Monday at 8 p.m. ET. [...]

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Sex, Power, Riches, and Materialism | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

Sex, Power, Riches, and Materialism | Billy Graham Classic Sermon You can search for it your whole life, but until you come to Jesus, you will never have true peace. Learn more in this 1987 Billy Graham sermon from Columbia, South Carolina. Watch more  every Monday at 8 p.m. ET. [...]

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Conscience | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

Conscience | Billy Graham Classic Sermon “The Holy Spirit uses the conscience to draw you closer to the Lord Jesus Christ.” Hear Billy Graham explain the danger in rejecting the Holy Spirit and how it can harden your heart in this 1978 message from Memphis, Tennessee.   [...]

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Behold The Man – Billy Graham Sermon | Billy Graham Sermon

Behold The Man – Billy Graham Sermon | Billy Graham Sermon Your life has a plan, a purpose, God has made you in his image and likeness. He invites you to join Him in working out His will of him for your life–conforming you to His image of him. Jesus, King of Kings, You say [...]

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The High Cost of Following Christ | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

The High Cost of Following Christ | Billy Graham Classic Sermon Following Jesus will cost you. Hear Billy Graham explain what it means for Jesus to be Lord of your mind, body and heart in this 1983 message from Orlando, Florida. [...]

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When The Chips Are Down, Can You Survive? | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

When The Chips Are Down, Can You Survive? | Billy Graham Classic Sermon “There’s a choice that every one of us has to make between bowing down to the things of this world that are evil and wrong and bowing down before the true and the living God.” The choice you make now about Jesus [...]

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September 11 and the Love of God | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

September 11 and the Love of God | Billy Graham Classic Sermon In the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks, the nation heard story after story of people who sacrificed their lives to save another. In this sermon, preached in Fresno, California, not long after that tragic day, hear Billy Graham share how Jesus paid the [...]

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The Power of a Positive No | Billy Graham Classic Sermon

The Power of a Positive No Throughout the Bible, there are stories of people who said no to sin and chose God’s way instead. No matter the temptations you face today, “There’s a way to escape,” Billy Graham once explained. “God provides it, if you know Christ.” God’s Messages MUST SEE! Don’t miss this powerful [...]

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