Desesperado, pero aún hay esperanza
Desesperado, pero aún hay esperanza ¿Sientes que te cuesta trabajo encontrar esperanza en este mundo? Escucha a Billy Graham hablar sobre una fuente de confianza inagotable. [...]
Read more..Billy Graham: El verdadero significado de la cruz
Billy Graham: El verdadero significado de la cruz Un hermoso misterio tuvo lugar en la cruz. Escucha la explicación de Billy Graham sobre varios aspectos de la muerte de Cristo en este mensaje. ¿Quiéres aceptar a Jesús en tu corazón? Haz click aquí [...]
Read more..Billy Graham: Ceguera Espiritual
Billy Graham: Ceguera Espiritual ¿Puedes ver bien? Escucha este mensaje de Billy Graham sobre la ceguera espiritual y cómo combatirla. ¿Quiéres aceptar a Jesús en tu corazón? Haz click aquí [...]
Read more..Fools | Billy Graham Classic Sermon
Fools | Billy Graham Classic Sermon Following Jesus might seem foolish to the world, but when He comes into your life, He brings hope and peace like no one else can. [...]
Read more..Billy Graham Sermon | Ghosts of History: The Mystery of Tales from the Departed
Billy Graham Sermon | Ghosts of History: The Mystery of Tales from the Departed Billy Graham Sermon | Ghosts of History: The Mystery of Tales from the Departed Subscribe for a new video every day! Activate the beside the subscribe button to get a notification! Leave us a comment with what you’d like to see [...]
Read more..How to Have a Happy Home – Billy Graham | Billy Graham Sermon
How to Have a Happy Home – Billy Graham | Billy Graham Sermon Your life has a plan, a purpose, God has made you in his image and likeness. He invites you to join Him in working out His will of him for your life–conforming you to His image of him. Jesus, King of Kings, [...]
Read more..The Holy Spirit and You | Billy Graham Classic Sermon
The Holy Spirit and You | Billy Graham Classic Sermon Through the Holy Spirit, you can have new life. Hear Billy Graham explain the transformative power of the Holy Spirit and how you can have a relationship with Him in this 1983 message from Sacramento, California. [...]
Read more..Time to Run | A Billy Graham Film
Time to Run | A Billy Graham Film Discover the powerful coming-of-age story of a student environmentalist who shames his father’s legacy and abandons everyone who loves him, including his girlfriend, Michelle. On the run from his family, the authorities, and—most of all—God, Jeff finally confronts the deep hole in his life that only one [...]
Read more..Sowing and Reaping | Billy Graham Classic Sermon
Sowing and Reaping | Billy Graham Classic Sermon “In Psalm 126:5 it says, ‘They that sow in tears, shall reap in joy.’ Our Lord Jesus Christ died on the cross in tears, as it were, so that we might have the joy of salvation,” Billy Graham said while preaching in Fargo, North Dakota, in [...]
Read more..Building Relationships | Billy Graham Classic Sermon
Building Relationships | Billy Graham Classic Sermon To truly love and obey God, we must also love those around us. In Mark 12:31, Jesus says, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” In this 1983 message from Tacoma, Washington, hear Billy Graham explain what it looks like to love your neighbor, even those with [...]
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