A Blind Date – Bishop T.D. Jakes

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A Blind Date – Bishop T.D. Jakes


We see throughout Scripture that God wants to meet with humanity. In many instances, He sets appointments with us and tells us how to get there. But sometimes, like with Paul, it is a blind date! Paul (formerly known as Saul, the genocidal Christ-hater) lost his sight and was knocked off his beast so God could reorder his life. So, understand that it’s not always the enemy that’s knocked you down. In order to get your attention, God might knock you down, too! And afterward, He wants you to walk by faith, not sight. Are you ready to?

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If you are moved by this message and need support in navigating mental health challenges, know that you are not alone. The Potter’s House Center for Counseling and Behavioral Health offers professional and licensed counseling services that can help you on your journey toward healing and growth. Contact us today at 214-333-6483 or email us at counselinginformation@tdjakes.org to learn how we can support you.

