How To Love People That Are Hard To Love | Joyce Meyer

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Joyce Meyer - Sermons heal the entire body and mind, emotionally, physically! Dear God, Please heal me mentally, emotionally, ...

We are called to love. Jesus said, that we should love God and then love others as we love ourself. That can be easy sometimes to love the lovable, but what about those who get on our nerves or are difficult to love? Joyce encourages us with a few ways where we can begin to start loving those who are hard to love.

You are stronger than you think you are! You can do whatever you need to do through Christ.
If faith can move mountains (Matthew 17:20), then surely faith can move our problems, because nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37).

Joyce Meyer

Joyce Meyer - Sermons heal the entire body and mind, emotionally, physically! Dear God, Please heal me mentally, emotionally, ...