Just Say No | Billy Graham Classic Published in Billy Graham Friday, 4 August 2023 ¿Cómo podemos orar por ti? ¡Envía tu petición de oración hoy! * indicates required Email Address *Name Billy Graham - Sermons heal the entire body and mind, emotionally, physically! Dear God, Please heal me mentally, emotionally, ... Recently posts Hanging Loose | Billy Graham Classic Sermon Rebellion and Youth | Billy Graham Classic Sermon America, Is the Handwriting on the Wall | Billy Graham Classic Sermon Just Say No | Billy Graham Classic You can’t say “no” without Christ. Billy Graham preaches on temptation in this 1987 message from Fargo, North Dakota. Watch more #MondayNightClassics every Monday at 8 p.m. Eastern. Taking Control of Our Thoughts – Dr. Charles Stanley Joining The Fight